
That's right, transforming your landscape one tree at a time! Be the envy of the street.


Pruning to Australian Standard AS4373, ensuring your trees thrive beautifully and are formatively pruned from a young age. Great trees come from special care.

When quality matters

All tree services including stump grinding

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L5 Arborist

Experience the difference with our knowledgeable L5 arborist on the quotes, he really knows his stuff with 25 years of experience and 2 diplomas

Expert Arborists

The guys, the gear and the know how

In North Brisbane, trust our qualified experts for all your arborist needs and services.

We want your work

We're keen, willing and able. This is our profession and we take pride in our work, let us work for you!

L5 Arborist

Knowledge and experience go hand in hand. There's more to tree work than just cutting them.

Experienced Staff

It aint our first rodeo, we know trees like the back of our hand. Not too much we haven't seen.

Site Left Clean

After all the work is done we clean up, rake, and blow the dust away. You'll be able to enjoy right away.

Free Quote

We love quoting, it's more like a tree adventure. Feel free to pick our brains for ideas.

North Brisbane

We operate on the northern side of the Brisbane river.  It's where our depot is so cuts down travel time.

What our customers say

They were like tree ninja's, came in and climbed up those tall palms cutting them down in bits, no damage to anything. Will use again.

Jane M

I was impressed by the knowledge and professionalism of their L5 Arborist. With 25 years of experience he provided a lot of information. Very happy with the service and price, quote accepted!

Wes Q

Stump grinding was more like stump vanishing. I couldn't believe how simple and easy it looked. I bet the machine felt it though and they raked the sawdust over the stump. 10 out of 10, great service

Brett S
Murrumba Downs

I recently moved in and the hedges had been left for a long time, they had grown way too tall for me to handle let alone get rid of the cuttings. These guys cut them back hard to waist height​. Top job

Stuart M
North Lakes

Council ordered that our poinciana which grew over the footpath and road needed to be crown lifted to give 2.5m clearance over the footpath and 4.5m over the road. Done by a L5 arborist pruning to AS4373. Well North Pine Tree Services took care of it all.

Richard B

My husband had cut down a few smaller shrubs and trees to make way for our new garden but the stumps were hard to dig out. So we had North Pine Tree Services grind them out. What a wonderful job!

Dorothy W

Climbing and rigging

Whilst all trees might seem the same their locations vary greatly.
That's why we need to see the site so we can determine equipment, access and time it might take to do the job


Contact us


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Job done

Expert Arborists in North Brisbane

Pro Team

Often EWP's are used to access trees. We make the assessment  of what is needed when we quote

Transform Your Yard

Garden renovation and rejuvenation, out with the old and in with the new ... get the ball rolling with us

North Pine Tree Services

When the going gets tough the tough keep going

Storm Emergency Work

Large trees require large gear. Often in severe storms trees can fail and the only way is up to lift them off houses etc

Q & A

Get in touch with us by texting or calling

Do you guys do free quotes?

You bet, there's nothing better than being an arborist looking at trees, have your friends there too if you like and make like it's a tree party. We have a lot of knowledge and experience.

What sort of insurance cover do you have if things go wrong?

We have $20 million of public liability insurance, Workcover insurance and the usual vehicle and equipment insurance.

Will you guys do a stump grind even if you didn't cut down the tree?

Of course we will, if we can get at it. Always consider access for the machine. We also do a lot of regrinds where others didn't do a proper job (go deep enough etc).

Do your guys know how to prune to AS4373?

Yes! AS4373 has been around since 1996, revised in 2007. There are right ways to prune, often referred to as target cuts. Often we stipulate the type of pruning cuts on our quotes.

Phone or text on 0403123463


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